The annual Family Week Celebration in the Archdiocese begins from Sunday 28th of July to Sunday 4th of August 2019. The theme for this year is: “Responding to the modern-day challenges of Human Life, Marriages and Family in Africa.”
We are all invited to the FHLU thought provoking Conference that inaugurates the Family Week. This is to hold on 27th July, 2019 at the Church and Society Hall; 19, Maye Street, Yaba by 10am.The theme of this Year’s Conference is: “Human Sexuality: A Divine Agenda.” Registration Fee is N2,500 which includes cost of conference materials and lunch.
It is recommended that Parishioners participate actively by discussing the following sub themes in their Parishes and at their Society meetings:
Sunday the 28th of July 2019 will be the Introduction of the Family week at all Masses in Parishes.
Day 1. Monday 29th July 2019: The United Nation’s “sexual and reproductive health and rights” agenda for Africa.
Day 2. Tuesday 30th July 2019: The truth about contraception.
Day 3. Wednesday 31st August 2019: The church’s response to contraception: Natural Family Planning (responsible parenthood).
Day 4. Thursday 1st August 2019: “The culture of death” Attack against marriage and the family. (cf. Evangelium Vitae nn.11-17).
Day 5. Friday 2nd August 2019: The United Nations comprehensive sexuality Education: sowing the seed of “the culture of death in our children.
Day 6. Saturday 3rd August 2019: Hospitality.
Day 7. Sunday 4th of August 2019: Parish Family celebrations, Gifting Sunday, renewal of marriage vows, celebration of silver/golden jubilee, wedding anniversaries and Special Collections.
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