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It is with deep sorrow and a heavy heart but with strong Christian hope that we announce the death of our dear sister REV. SR. HENRIETTA ALOKHA, SSH who died in the Abule Ado explosion incident on Sunday 15th March 2020. Until her death, Sr. Henrietta was the Administrator of the Bethlehem Girls College, Abule Ado, Festac, Lagos. Our sympathy and ardent prayers are with the Superior and Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, members of her family as well as the entire Catholic Faithful of our Archdiocese on this painful demise of our dear sister. Funeral arrangements are as follows:
Wednesday, March 25, 2020:
5.00 pm: Vigil Mass at Sacred Heart Novitiate Chapel, Atani, Uromi, Edo State.
10.00 pm: Vigil Mass at Sacred Heart Novitiate Chapel, Atani, Uromi, Edo State.
Thursday, March 26, 2020:
5.00 am: Requiem Mass at Sacred Heart Novitiate Chapel, Atani, Uromi, Edo State.
7.00 am: Lauds/Lying in State at Sacred Heart Chapel, Uromi. 10.00 am: Burial Mass at St. Anthony's Cathedral, Uromi Edo State. Let us all continue to pray for the repose of her soul and the souls of all who died in that unfortunate incident.

May the Lord grant eternal rest to SR. HENRIETTA ALOKHA, SSH as we console ourselves with the assurance of our faith in the resurrection of Christ and our hope of resurrection. May the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Mother Mary and Queen intercede for her and all who grieve at her death.

+ Alfred Adewale MARTINS
Archbishop of Lagos
21st March 2020


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