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Monday week 27

October 7, 2019 (Monday of Week 27 Year I: Our Lady of the Holy Rosary)


Sweet chain which unites…


Dear friends in Christ, today we celebrate Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. Pope Leo the XIII on the 2nd November 1883 in his encyclical Supremi Apostolatus says, “Our merciful God…raised up against these most direful enemies a most holy man, the illustrious parent and founder of the Dominican Order…and by his apostolic labours, he proceeded undauntedly to attack the enemies of the Catholic Church, not by force of arms; but trusting wholly to that devotion which he was the first to institute under the name of the Holy Rosary, which was disseminated through the…earth by him and his pupils…he foresaw that this devotion, like a most powerful warlike weapon, would be the means of putting the enemy to flight, and of confounding their audacity and mad impiety. Such was indeed its result. Thanks to this new method of prayer-when adopted and properly carried out as instituted by the Holy Father St. Dominic— piety, faith, and union began to return, and the projects and devices of the heretics fall to pieces. Many wanderers also returned to the way of salvation…”(SA 3)


In 2002 through the Apostolic letter, Rosarium Virginis Marie, Pope John Paul II increased the mysteries of the Holy Rosary from fifteen to twenty. The Rosary is a powerful prayer that helps us to contemplate the mysteries of Jesus and our salvation with Mary. The rosary brings to life, the mysteries of the gospel and our salvation. Through the intercession of Mary, nothing is impossible for those who have faith. The rosary is a sweet chain linking us to God. If you do not have one yet, today is a good day to pick up yours, if yours is just hanging somewhere, go for it now. Pray your rosary. It is a most powerful tool against the devil and all principalities. 

The question of the Lawyer in today’s Gospel (Luke 10:25-37) to Jesus, is a basic one that should bother everyone, “Master what shall I do to inherit eternal life.” Luke tells us that this was a test. So Jesus asked him, “What is written in the law? What do you read there?” To show his knowledge he recited the law. Jesus told him to go and practice it. 


To justify himself, he asked, “And who is my neighbour?” So, Jesus told them a story. A man, traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho fell into the hands of robbers who took all he had and left him half dead by the side of the road. A priest saw him and passed by on the other side, so also was a Levite. But a Samaritan saw him and took pity. He bandaged his wounds, took him to an inn where he paid the bills and was willing to pay more on his return, in case there is any further expense. Jesus then asked which of the three men proved himself a neighbour to the wounded man? The answer of course is, “The one who showed mercy on him.” A Samaritan, someone a Jew will not easily associate with, decided to care for this wounded traveller. He used oil and wine, materials we also use in the celebration of sacraments. He also paid two denarii in down payment and was willing to pay more. Though he had his plan for the day, he created time to care for the other person. He did what was possible, and handed the man over to the inn-keeper to do the rest. If we learn to open our eyes, there are wounded people with us. We do not have to solve all the problems, we just need to contribute what we can to help.


Let us pray: “O Blessed Rosary of Mary, sweet chain which unites us to God, bond of love which unites us to the angels, tower of salvation against the assaults of Hell, safe port in our universal shipwreck, we will never abandon you. You will be our comfort in the hour of death: yours our final kiss as life ebbs away. And the last word from our lips will be your sweet name, O Queen of the Rosary of Pompei, O dearest Mother, O Refuge of Sinners, O Sovereign Consoler of the Afflicted. May you be everywhere blessed, today and always, on earth and in heaven.” Amen (RVM) May the Almighty God bless you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen


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